Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hoosier Daddy? Hoosier Mama?

Too easy a title for a weekend in Indiana with all the girls.  Just a few random thoughts for now.

1.  Vital statistics.  Since I'm away from the sheet that the pediatrician filled out, I don't remember all of the vitals, but here is what I do remember:  (a)  Ella-Anne is 8 lbs., 6.4 oz. as of her pediatrician visit on Wednesday.  (b)  Weight, 5th percentile.  (c)  Head circumference, 5th percentile.  (d)  Length, a much higher percentile.  Got the required shots.  Pronounced by the doctor to be in great health and extremely beautiful.  (Okay, I made up the last part of that one.)  Alex, who accompanied Ella-Anne on the visit to the doctor, was highly agitated (sobbing uncontrollably) when Ella-Anne got her shots and cried. 

2.  Bad behavior.  Alex, I think, is doing some "acting out" these days.  Tonight, at dinner, she was great for 75% of the visit with Papou -- we were out to dinner -- but the last 25% was a total meltdown, reprising some recent kicking, hitting, and pulling-parental-hair behaviors.  We will be having quite a discussion when we get home.  Daddy is quite unhappy.

3.  Good behavior.  At the same time, Alex hugged Evie and Gwynnie Redding (and their parents, our friends Greg and Missy) as well as Will Emmick when we were leaving Wabash today.  You watch that, and you forget that this is the same girl who can say "I want my binkie" in Linda Blair's "Exorcist" voice.  For a minute.

4.  Papou meets Ella-Anne.  So tonight was Papou's (my Dad's) first opportunity to meet Ella-Anne.  Naturally, he also pronounced her to be extremely beautiful.  And he's an expert.

5.  Why we're in Indiana.  Friday was my last meeting as President of the Indiana Maurer Law Alumni Association -- that took us to Bloomington Thursday night and Friday.  Friday afternoon then took us to Crawfordsville, where I moderated a panel of Wabash alumni talking about our experiences in U.S. Supreme Court litigation.  Today, more meetings at Wabash -- the Board of Directors of the National Association of Wabash Men, of which I am the Vice President (which is also the President-Elect).  Home tomorrow.

While it's been great seeing all these friends, and introducing Ella-Anne around, I'm in a fairly foul mood tonight.  I don't much like being stern Daddy, but I had to be tonight thanks to Alex's late-dinner behavior.  She got so mad and agitated at me as a result that she barfed.  Jane is out for awhile, and I'm in the hotel with two zonked-out girls, working on a couple of legal briefs.  I'll try to be in a better mood next week.

1 comment:

  1. Tough love is tough, especially at this young age, but I like to think it will eventually produce a socialized human opposed to a wild animal, which is what we seem to have living with us at times.
